Sunday, October 26

when the bad and the good combine to make me pay money to the computer-maker people

So it's been another while since I wrote. But it's not really my fault. You see, my laptop tried that whole absence-makes-the-heart-grow-fonder thing with its wireless internet workingness. But the growing fonder did not happen. The growing frustrated-er did, though. So my laptop tried to pacify me by working right for a few days and then not working again. That didn't help the fondness either. And it's really not so helpful to the searching-for-jobs-online process when the online part does not cooperate. Ergo, I may be getting a new computer soon. Maybe something like this:

It's pretty and superly-portable and has a pretty good battery life and a big (160 GB) hard drive. And it has a web-cam so I would see my family while I speak to them. That would be pretty awesome. Plus, it's pretty cheap (well, relatively speaking) for all that. And I'm all for good deals.

I'm also considering the white one with the same specs, despite its resemblence to a Mac. Because I don't endorse Macs - I don't like their operating systems at all. I know, I'm the black sheep of my (immediate) family for not liking Macs, but I just don't. Still, I do, for some reason, like the white. And it wouldn't show fingerprints like the blue one. If I decide to get a white one, I could get a version with Linux Lite instead of Windows XP, which could be cool.

What do you think?


carlymae said...

acer is poop.

the end.

The Queen of the Universe said...

Let it be known that carlymae speaks words of untruth. Acer is great.

Clearly, this is a case of anti-non-Mac prejudice inherent in the standard Mac lover. Unfortunate but true.

Ally said...

Okay, I am just waaaaay not as computer savvy as you, but those ones in the pictures look pretty cool....? ;-D

Sorry you've been having computer troubles.

But I do have to agree with you - Mac isn't all it's cracked up to be.


There, I said it.

SuzQuez said...

I'm a Mac lover, but your dad is not, and you seem to favor more the Andersen side of the tribe. I don't know if I'd go Linux--mostly all is Windows. Said my piece.